Russell's Story

Russell’s Story 

Russell had a history of gambling, which started out as simple slot machine fun but turned into a daily life of gambling after his marriage broke down. Over a period of a few years he lost his job, his home and he accrued more and more debt. Russell ended up living in a derelict house with no water, no electricity, no toilets, no heat and no hope.

With mounting debts and unpaid fines, Russell realised that he needed to break this cycle and change his life. He had heard of CAP Debt Centre and after encouragement by family he made the decision to approach Vineyard Compassion. This was not easy for Russell, as he had to face up to his problems and take the brave steps to ask for help. One Monday he eventually made it to Vineyard Compassion to get help, and was supported through Foodbank with an emergency food pack, other essential items and received benefits advice. By the Wednesday he had his first CAP debt counselling appointment to deal with the debt issue and on the Friday he began our supported volunteering work programme in Link Logs social enterprise (attending 3 days a week ever since). Russell was sorted out with temporary housing until a few weeks later he was given the key to his own apartment within Compassion Housing. Russell is now employed for 15hrs/wk within the Link Logs social enterprise as a way of getting paid work experience on his CV and has recently completed his forklift license. He knows he has a long journey ahead but because he is supported in many different ways by Vineyard Compassion. He now has the hope of a new life, with the resources to tackle the underlying cause of his problems.   Russell says: ‘Before I came to Vineyard Compassion I really was in a hopeless position, but through the Hope Centre I’ve found hope!’


Harry's Story


Shaun's Story