Exceeding Expectations with RESET - Two Lives Transformed

R and T turned to Vineyard Compassion in January while struggling to manage significant debt. R was working two jobs to try to increase the family's income, but extensive hours were impacting his physical and mental health. 

T, who was unable to work as a result of ill health, began to feel there was no hope. These feelings were made worse when the Employment Support Allowance (ESA) she was receiving had stopped while being reassessed. Her application for  Personal Independence Payment (PIP) was unsuccessful, resulting in a loss of £490 a month.

Struggling to make monthly repayments to the bank, R and T turned to the Hope Centre food bank in desperation. Shortly after they came through our Open Door they started their journey with RESET social supermarket. 

During the 6-month programme R and T were able to establish healthy saving habits. For example they saved for fuel by buying oil stamps weekly. They were also able to afford healthy food through the programme to feed themselves and their grandchildren who stayed with them.

Towards the end of their RESET journey, R received his pension from a previous job. With this income and savings they were making while on RESET, they were able to pay off most of their debt. 

R and T are hopeful for the future and showed their appreciation to their Compassion Support Worker, Aimee by thanking her for all the support received while on RESET. R said the programme has transformed two lives and they have received more than they could have hoped for or ever expected.


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