Frequently Asked Questions

  • Is there a charge for your services?
    No, there is no charge for our services and all are offered with ‘no strings attached’.
  • Where are your projects located?
    Most of our projects are delivered from the Hope Centre, view on Maps
  • What geographical area do you cover?
    Our catchment area stretches across Causeway Coast & Glens Borough. Most services are based within Coleraine and require clients to transport themselves.
  • How does your Christian ethos affect your service?
    Our faith is our motivation for what we do and the reason why we do it. Our Christian ethos causes us to place a high value on the whole person, not just the problems that they experience, but how they are affected emotionally and in other aspects of their lives. We ensure no one receives less favourable treatment on the grounds of race, nationality, religion, age, gender, marital status, sexual orientation or disability. We work hard to make it known through our publicity that we help anyone regardless of beliefs or any other factor. The vast majority of our clients are not Christians.